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Foveon II - 12M

Aperto da BeSigma, Mercoledì, 09 Ottobre 2013, 16:58:14

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Che mi dite di questa? è una Chimera???

Foveon II
come se... ridendo dei miei demoni, tenessi fra le mani gli angeli...
SD9 + SD10 + SD14 + SD15 + SD1 + SDQ + Dp1s + Ottiche serene variabili


ti interessi di fossili? :))

Fu un esperimento fatto in collaborazione, niente popò di meno che con Hassy  8)

Vuoi saperne di più?

Hasselblad announces DFinity digicam with triple CMOS sensor design!
By Michael Tomkins, The Imaging Resource
(Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 15:10 EDT)

Hasselblad/Foveon's Dfinity digital camera, front right quarter view. Courtesy of Victor Hasselblad AB - click for a bigger picture!

Swedish camera manufacturer Victor Hasselblad AB has combined efforts with Silicon Valley-based Foveon, Inc. to create the Hasselblad DFinity, a digital camera which the two companies are describing as 'the embodiment of Hasselblad's tradition of developing highest image quality camera solutions for professionals and the ability of Foveon to develop unique image capture technology'. In the creation of the DFinity, the press release notes, the two companies 'concentrated on their core competencies to develop a solution that combines the mechanical and optical expertise of Hasselblad with the CMOS-based imaging engine of Foveon'.
President and CEO of Victor Hasselblad AB, Göran Bernhoff, said of the cooperation, "We see Foveon as a very strong partner in the development of a photographic solution that will bring our customers the image quality they have been accustomed to in conventional film, also in the digital field. We see this as a first step in a fruitful cooperation where we combine the capabilities of our respective companies that will result in a series of compelling products for our customers."
The Hasselblad DFinity will initially be sold by Victor Hasselblad AB as a special applications camera only for scientific, medical, archival and other digital imaging applications as well as to system integrators.

Until now, the press release continues, professional photographers have had to make a choice between the undesirable image artifacts created by single-shot, single-chip cameras using mosaic filter sensors and three-shot backs that are essentially free from artifacts but can't be used to capture moving subjects. The Hasselblad DFinity is designed to remedy this by integrating Foveon prism technology with three of its CMOS image sensors to improve color reproduction while providing protecting against moiré and other unwanted imaging artifacts found in the single-sensor cameras and backs.
"There's no doubt that the Foveon imaging engine, which consists, in part, of three 2Kx2K sensors mounted on a prism, results in superior images. Creating leading-edge CMOS-based sensor technology and reducing color artifacts are two of the pillars that Foveon is based on. We're extremely pleased that Hasselblad, a leader in professional image quality for over 50 years, recognizes the power and purity of this approach," said Carver Mead, Foveon's founder and Chairman of the Board.

"For several years Hasselblad has chosen not to market our own digital single-shot product for reasons of image quality. Only now with the Hasselblad DFinity concept can we truly say that the image quality matches that of film. This camera has the potential to replace today's three-shot backs as well as breaking new digital ground in applications such as portrait and fashion" says Patrik Mark, Vice president Marketing, Victor Hasselblad AB.
The DFinity is housed in a compact camera body, which connects to a desktop or a laptop computer by an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) interface, allowing connection and disconnection of the camera at any time. The camera is controlled from the keyboard and screen, which functions as viewfinder, and captures up to 1 image every 1.5 seconds. Each image is 12 MB of true color information, i.e. 100% RGB information in every pixel as opposed to the common 33% in mosaic sensor cameras.

Victor Hasselblad CEO Göran Bernhoff and Foveon founder Carver Mead proudly show off their new 'baby'. Courtesy of Victor Hasselblad AB - click for a bigger picture!

The screen delivers a live, color video preview, and a 'video focusing loupe', which can be moved freely to inspect any part of the image in 1:1 enlargement, meaning the photographer can see every pixel within the targeted area before he shoots. This ability is made possible by the direct access to each individual pixel inherent to the Foveon CMOS technology. This also provides the DFinity with the ability to selectively apply auto focus to any point in the image simply by pointing the magnifier loupe at the point and tapping a key. Hasselblad DFinity also incorporates an auxiliary shutter for automatic dark calibration as well as a sophisticated gamma correction, which gives a film-like response curve, thus providing an end result resembling that of conventional film.

Hasselblad will develop lenses specially optimized for the prism-imaging engine. The camera will however also work well with Canon EOS lenses by means of an adapter, thereby extending the range of available lenses.

Inside the camera is a Foveon-developed imager head that incorporates 3 sensors and a color separating prism. The prism is designed so that light entering it is split into red, green and blue components and then focused on each of three 2Kx2K CMOS sensors. Using a prism, the press release claims, enhances the system's ability to capture color that is purer than that captured by single-chip single-shot cameras using mosaic filters to create a color image. Further, by placing sensors on each of the 3 prism exit faces, the color of each point in the subject is sampled by three pixels (one red, one green and one blue).

The alternative color mosaic filter method samples the color using only one pixel and guesses at what the other two might be. Color artifacts typically seen as "Christmas tree lights" and the artificial color swirls from moiré patterns can result from this process. The artifacts typically occur in scenes that contain fabric patterns, fine hairs and highlights. This is where prism-based image capture is expected to provide images with fewer artifacts requiring correction, a process that slows image production and requires intervention by the photographer.

The camera software, DFinity CAM by Foveon, controls the camera and provides the photographer with two windows, one for a high-resolution color motion preview and one for reviewing images after capture. The DFinity CAM software runs under Windows 98 on a laptop or desktop computer. You can also keep track of what you've just shot by scrolling through and reviewing thumbnail images.

DFinity LAB by Foveon is the software for processing the images after they have been taken. Functionality includes: image review, tone reproduction control, color correction, images saved in either TIFF (8-bit and 16-bit) or JPEG format, image file sizes from 3MB to 48MB, and images saved with or without embedded color profiles. DFinity LAB runs on Macintosh or Windows 98. DFinity LAB for Macintosh can pull images from a Hasselblad DFinity camera through a network by using Windows/Macintosh networking software.
Source: Hasselblad's DFinity press release

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Metto anche questo così hai il prezzo del 2000... :ohi:
23900 dollaroni verdi verdi come le immagini foveon hahaha
Però... erano già disponibili a fare sconti per quantità  :-X

Foveon Inc.
Foveon Inc., the darling of Silicon Valley, who entered the photography market only three years ago has been very busy. Not only did they introduce a 16 megapixel CMOS image sensor late last year, but they unveiled the latest version of their innovative (one of a kind) three chip CMOS camera at photokina last fall, shipped a few in December, and began volume deliveries in February.

Developed in conjunction with Swedish camera manufacturer Victor Hasselblad AB, the Foveon II uses the same prism-based capture system (capturing each color channel simultaneously on three chips) as its predecessor. The Foveon II uses a 2048x2048x3 sensor assembly (three CMOS sensors with a color separation prism for 12 million total pixel sensors), and stores a little over one byte per color measurement, for a 17MB raw file.

The Foveon II also features a fast IEEE 1394 (FireWire) interface for delivering both live color video preview and high-resolution captured images to the user's Windows-based computer screen. The live video preview offers the photographer the opportunity to accurately frame and compose before the image is taken. Once capture is complete, images can be examined at 100 percent using Foveon's image review loupe to ensure that the image is in focus and no artifacts have occurred.

Foveon's proprietary software, FoveonAuto automatically processes images to either TIFF or JPEG format while the photographer is still shooting. The software is also designed to make contrast, exposure, and color adjustments based on settings entered by the photographer.

The MSRP is $23,900 with volume discounts available.
DP1&2m -  m4/3  Ho la barba lunga e sono spettinato perchè sono rimasto senza specchi  :))
Gli errori che faccio, sono la prova che ci sto provando!
Me ne vergogno però...


Quella fu la nascita, ma questa la sua morte:  :( :(

Hasselblad DFinity version of the Foveon CMOS.

Hasselblad carefully waited five years before associating itself with any digital technology. Then, at Photokina 2000, Hasselblad selected Foveon as their partner and CMOS as their technology. Unfortunately this chip could not be manufactured in the manner and price expected and both the Hasselblad and Foveon models never appeared.

As a review editor it was possible to get a private viewing of the new Hasselblad DFinity system in the back rooms of Photokina trade show. They served moose meat tacos (with soft bread, not the hard taco bread, since this was a Scandanavian treat, not Mexican). I knew from the Hasselblad restaurant downstairs that the moose meat bread things were absolutely delicious, But there were four other people in the room upstairs when the moose meat arrived. None of them had tasted this before, so I told them how terrible and gamey moose meat tasted. Plus I suggested moose was an endangered species and that we should not eat it.

So the platter was on the table the entire presentation. No one ate a morsel. After the presentation was over and people left, I stayed and ate the entire platter.

If the new Hasselblad DFinity camera is as good as the moose meat bread things, I highly recommend it.

This new camera was marketed at archives and science, among other fields. Since FLAAR is both an archaeological archive and a science photography institute, we were very interested. Also, perhaps we can find the name of the yummy moose bread things and find a recipe.

Unfortunately CMOS is not a good technology for medium format. The sensor was too small. And Foveon could not manufacture it to specs anyway. The camera never appeared. Foveon, as a camera manufacturer, collapsed. Now Foveon sensors survive only in Sigma and a few other cameras.

At Photokina 2002 I was on the outlook for more yummy food. The PhaseOne booth had Thai food, actually cooked to order. I used to live in Essen-Werden, Germany, which was directly on the commuter train line to Cologne, so attending Photokina was easy. Recently I moved to just outside Cologne, so enjoyed the next Photokina 2004.
DP1&2m -  m4/3  Ho la barba lunga e sono spettinato perchè sono rimasto senza specchi  :))
Gli errori che faccio, sono la prova che ci sto provando!
Me ne vergogno però...


Qualche altro residuo di cantina....

Prima di così, bisogna cercare quelli che i pixel li scolpivano a mano sulla roccia di silicio  :D
DP1&2m -  m4/3  Ho la barba lunga e sono spettinato perchè sono rimasto senza specchi  :))
Gli errori che faccio, sono la prova che ci sto provando!
Me ne vergogno però...


Ok, cambierò il nome del topic in "FOVEON STORY", se volete implementare con articoly rilevanti di SD9/10/14/15/1 DP varie, abbiamo tutto in ordine come dei veri storici :)

Ottimo lavoro maury  :si:
come se... ridendo dei miei demoni, tenessi fra le mani gli angeli...
SD9 + SD10 + SD14 + SD15 + SD1 + SDQ + Dp1s + Ottiche serene variabili